
Weight Loss Quiz

1. Goals you want to achieve

2. Reasons why you might be struggling to lose weight

3. Options that suit you best

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Weight loss

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What is your number one reason to lose weight now?

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Past: When were you last at your goal weight?

Future goals

What do you think are the causes of your current weight?

Where on your body do you mainly store your weight?

Any health concerns?

What are your health goals?

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Now we'll look at what weight loss programs and exercise you've done in the past.

Have you tried any of these to lose weight?

Dietary restrictions

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Vegetarian choices

Great news!

If you can eat dairy or eggs you'll be able to get adequate protein which is essential for healthy sustainable weight loss.

That's not a problem.

Many people can't tolerate dairy, gluten, shellfish, nuts and other foods.

It's definitely possible to lose weight in a healthy way without them.

Now we've got some questions which will help us determine what sort of program is going to work for you.

Do you believe that in order to lose weight you will have to find time for extra exercise?

What the science says...
Exercise has a huge range of health benefits, but weight loss is not one of them.
To be successful at losing weight you do not have to add extra exercise.
If you're already exercising - great! Keep it up. If you're not exercising now, you can start later after you've lost some weight.
What the science says...
Exercise has a huge range of health benefits, but weight loss is not one of them. To be successful at losing weight you do not have to add extra exercise. If you're not exercising now, you can start later after you've lost some weight.

Do you believe losing weight is simply about counting calories?

Counting calories, eating less and exercising more sounds sensible, but rarely works in real life.
It makes people hungry which requires a huge amount of willpower to stick with. This is why people say "Diets don't work."
No two people respond to foods the same. One diet does NOT suit every body.

Your hormones affect whether you more easily store fat or burn fat as your primary source of energy.

You need an eating pattern to create the best fat-burning hormonal response. With the right program for your body you can lose weight without hunger, willpower or endless exercise.

Which eating plan do you feel would best suit you?

Basic eating programs can work.

In practice they have a slightly lower success rate if people get hungry, bored or give up.

They make family meals and socialising more difficult but not impossible.

An eating program that's adapted to your body's responses will maximise your options and be the most sustainable for the long term.
This option is more family-friendly as well as enjoyable when socialising.

Do you relate with the statement "I need some motivation, support and accountability. When I am feeling overwhelmed it can be too easy to give up."

You're human like the rest of us!

Those that have someone who guides them holds them accountable every week, stay the course and get better results.

You're a willpower legend!

However getting the best tools and strategies may help you, even if you've got great willpower.

Could you set aside 15 minutes a week to work on your weight loss journey?


As long as you can check in with your coach for 15 minutes once a week, to guide you and hold you accountable, you're on your way.

If you find time for exercise later, that's a bonus.

Not even 15 minutes?

As long as you can meet with your coach for 15 minutes once a week, to guide you and hold you accountable, you're on your way.

We've helped over 11,000 women lose over 100,000 kilos so far with weekly, one-on-one coaching in-centre or via phone or Zoom

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